Monday, February 21, 2011

Pure Fashion!

Our February meetings got a little off track because of weather, but you would never have known it at this last meeting!  Even though everything was communicated through notes and emails, everyone pulled together to create an absolutely wonderful evening of fun and fashion for the girls and their guests. 

Our virtue was Humility. 

Let them see Jesus in me, not the clothes that are on me.

Many thanks to Mrs. I. and Mrs. N. for organizing the whole thing and for all the wonderful moms who stepped up to help with costumes, decorations, baking, serving and cleaning up.  Thanks to all the grandmothers that came and talked to the girls about the fashion of their day and how modesty and purity played a part in the way they presented themselves. 

And thanks to the Buds!  Weren't they beautiful?

Our Fashion Show

Act One:

In Bible times, so long ago,
A girl was dressed from head to toe.
Her head was covered, her legs were too,
As a modest maiden, it was the thing to do.

Act Two:

As time went on, dresses stayed long,
But covering our heads seemed all wrong.
Hat, instead, were fashionable wear,
Lace, pearls and gloves added modest flair.

Act Three:

Then came the 50's and poodle skirts,
With bobby socks and buttoned shirts.
Yes, shirts got shorter, it seems as such,
But it wasn't modest to show too much.

Act Four:

Now today we have lots to wear,
Style tells us to do all that we dare.
But a Rose Bud knows that even so,
Modesty is still the way to go.

So when someone looks at a Bud today,
The clothes she wears are not in the way.
Everyone who looks is able to see,
She shines with the light that is Jesus our King.

Some behind the scenes fun...

Pure Fashion!

Keep planting seeds...